Check it out! Heartwarming. Say all you want about the Nebraska Cornhuskers, but what do you know about dreams? Cornhuskers are making them come true apparently.

So if you read these posts, you may remember me chiming in about the iconic hipster-esque, “I heard/saw about [blank] before you did.” This is another one of those moments. Being a graduate of Maryville High School, and a semi-proud Spoofhound, I could not respond to this video without mentioning… WE DID IT FIRST. 

The condensed story is that the Benton Cardinals were down by a couple of touchdowns with about fifteen seconds left of gameplay when the Benton coach asked the Maryville coach if they could let their player with Down Syndrome, Matt, score a touchdown. The rest is heartfelt history. 

Whoever started the ‘trend,’ keep it up. ESPN needs stories, and these special kid athletes need some well deserved excitement.